domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Ventosidad mortal

La Vanguardia A veces, una tontería puede acabar en drama, sobre todo si el ambiente ya está caldeado. Es lo que ocurrió este martes por la tarde en el barrio del Xenillet, en Torrent (Valencia), tras un enfrentamiento entre dos clanes que acabó con un tiroteo que se saldó con cuatro heridos (dos de ellos de bala) y tres personas arrestadas.
Al parecer, la discusión se inició por una flatulencia; otra persona del clan rival le correspondió con otra. Entonces la mujer de uno de ellos dijo haber sido insultada y se enzarzó con la mujer del otro. Esta discusión sin importancia derivó en un tiroteo, según han publicado diversos medios valencianos.
Los agentes de la Policía Nacional tuvieron que intervenir para evitar que el suceso fuera a más. Dos de los heridos, un padre y un hijo de uno de los clanes, se encuentran en estado estable dentro de la gravedad de las heridas ingresados en el hospital. Los otros dos heridos fueron un joven de 19 años y una chica de 16, que presentaban policontusiones.
Las disputas entre estas dos familias de Torrent, separadas por apenas unos metros, se remontan a tiempo atrás. Ya en verano protagonizaron otro enfrentamiento con un tiroteo.

Otras opiniones del mismo suceso:
La Sexta

Carl Orff. Carmina Burana

A night in Macau

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016


Polquiz o test político

  • Este test político le permite localizar su ideología en el Diagrama de Nolan.
  • El Diagrama de Nolan va más allá de la tradicional y ambigua división entre izquierda y derecha, desdoblando el espectro político en dos dimensiones: la social, y la económica.
  • Descubra en unos pocos minutos su ubicación en el Diagrama de Nolan realizando este sencillo test político de 20 preguntas.

Enfermedades mentales

Más humor en "La fura que riu"

Leyendo en el tren

Primeras luces
Lectura transitada
el tren, el mar

By CCB 5-7-5 (4+1)


miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

Artistas en ARCO

Aviso para navegantes. Extraordinarios los comentarios "complejo" "sublime" "refleja desesperación",... Excelente experimento del equipo de El buscador.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

Nitō Shinkage-ryū kusarigama-jutsu - 39th Kobudo Demonstration Nippon Budokan 2016

Demonstration of traditional Japanese martial arts schools (koryu) at the 39th Kobudo Enbutaikai held at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo in February 2016

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

Good Morning, Harley; Harley Good Night!


An actual tweet from Chicago:
"I thought my vasectomy would keep my wife from getting pregnant but, 
apparently it just changes the color of the baby."
Más humor en "La fura que riu"

Health in Kendo

Tennis elbow is one of the more common repetitive stress injuries in kendo. This video describes some of the things I tried to treat it.

Even if you develop a blister on the bottom of your foot, or a crack at the base of your big toe, you can continue to practice kendo without much difficulty if you know how to tape your foot up properly. 

Kung fu master Alex Tse

Master Alexander Tse appeared in the 197? funny kung fu movie with Lau Kar Wing.

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

Haiku invernal

Perlas de lluvia
Presas en telaraña
Amor y llanto

CCB 5-7-5
Photo iPhone 4
31/01/2016; 11:43

(Bombeira Guadiana)

Kata bokuto ni yoru kendo kihon waza keiko ho

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

The Shikomizue

The Shikomizue (“Prepared Cane”) Is A Japanese Concealed Sword Disguised As A Cane Or Walking Stick, Similar To The Swordstick.

The shikomizue (“prepared cane”) is a Japanese concealed sword disguised as a cane or walking stick, similar to the swordstick. It was used mostly by the ninja, being easy to hide, and even went well with many disguises, such as travelers, the elderly, or the cripple. It is most famous for its use by the fictional swordmaster Zatoichi.
The name shikomi-zue is actually the name of a type of mounting; the sword blade was placed in a cane-like mounting (tsue), to conceal the fact that it was a sword. These mountings are not to be confused with the Shirasaya
mountings, which were just plain wooden mountings with no decorations.
Some shikomi-zue also concealed blinding powders, smoke bombs,metsubushi, chains, hooks, and many other things. The shikomi-zue could be carried in public without arousing suspicion, as no one expects the frail old man with a cane to be a threat until it was too late.

This is what sitting too long does to your Body.

Today, we live in a world where modern machines do much of our work for us, which greatly eliminates the need for manual labor. Not to mention, over 34 million Americans have office or sales jobs, forcing them to remain sedentary for eight or more hours a day.
According to a report published in Annals of Internal Medicine, the average person spends more than half of his or her waking hours in an inactive state (sitting at a computer, watching TV, commuting to and from work, etc).
While technology brings with it obvious benefits, such as getting more done in less time, consolidating our efforts, and connecting us to others at lightning speeds, it has many drawbacks, as well.
Sitting down for prolonged periods of time can cause problems such as chronic back pain, poor posture, and even potentially deadly diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
If you spend a lot of time sitting down for your job, take a look at the specifics of how this can negatively impact your health, according to four experts in the industry:

Brain, neck and shoulder issues

Moving our bodies means more blood and oxygen flowing throughout the brain, which helps us maintain clarity and keeps our minds sharp. However, by sitting for long periods of time, this slows the flow of oxygen and blood to our brains, inhibiting our ability to think clearly.
Also, slumping forward at work to stare at a computer screen puts tremendous strain on the neck, particularly the cervical vertebrae, which connects the spine to your head. Poor posture also damages the back and shoulder muscles, as they become overextended due to leaning over a keyboard for long periods of time.

Back problems

One of the most apparent problems occurs for most people in their backs, as bad posture contributes greatly to back pain, inflexible spines, and disk damage. Moving around causes soft disks between vertebrae in the spine to expand and contract, allowing blood and nutrients in. By sitting too long, the disks become uneven and compact, even causing collagen to build up around tendons and ligaments.
Also, herniated lumbar disks occur more frequently in people who spend prolonged periods of time in front of a computer.

Muscle degeneration

Sitting doesn’t require the use of your ab muscles, and if they go unused for too long, this can actually cause you to develop what’s called swayback, or the unnatural overextension of the spine’s natural arch. Plus, sitting too long decreases overall flexibility, particularly in the hips and back. Flexible hips aid in balancing the body, but by sitting too long, the hip flexor muscles become short and tense.


Kendo! twice a week at least.  ;)

Mantenimineto del Shinai


Una demostración gráfica del significado de  gonosen, tainosen y sennosen en la estrategia de combate 

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016


jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

Female Samurai In The History Of Japan…

In General, samurai society was dominated by men, but history records that the female members of the samurai clans often displayed a fighting spirit and a concern for honour and duty matching that of the men.
Women were trained in the martial arts and, in time, many became highly skilled, especially in the use of naginata.
Tales of courageous and devoted samurai women abound in the epic “Heike Monogatari”. A chief among these women was Minamoto Yoshinaka’s wife, Tomoe Gozen, but the period produced numerous other heroic samurai women, including Hojo Masako, the wife of Minamoto Yoritomo, who was known as “the general in nun’s habit” (on her husbands death, she became a Buddhist nun, the traditional fate of samurai widows). Masako was a prominent political player in the early years of the Hojo regency that succeeded her husband, at one point engaging in open conflict with her father. From her new position as a Buddhist nun, she successfully bullied the samurai class into standing by the shogunate.
These stories reflect the relatively strong position women held in samurai society at the time. Laws governing the shogun’s court in the early 13th century allowed women equal rights of inheritance with brothers and the right to bequeath property. Samurai and bushi wives had high status in the household. They controlled household expenditure, managed servants, and were called upon to defend the home in times of war. They were also responsible for raising their children to the samurai ideas of contempt, death and unquestioning loyalty to their lord.
“A creature of… no importance”
Over the centuries that followed, the practice of using daughters as pawns in the marriage market (a crucial tool in the struggles of the period) and the influence of neo-confucain philosophy, combined to reduce the status of female samurai. The ideal of fealess devotion was gradually replaced by one of quiet passive obedience, a change reflected by the introduction of the new words for wife: Kani and okusan (person in the innermost recesse of the house).
By the 17th century, many samurai felt that while women were necessary to bear children, they were not really fitting companions for warriors. A cult of homesexuality developed amoung some warriors and, despite repeated prohibiton, many adult samurai formed close relationships with men. In 1687, Ihara Saikaku published his famouse book “Nanshoku okagami” (“The Great Mirror of Manly Love”), which took the homosexual activities amoung the samurai as its theme. “Woman is a creature of absolutely no importance’, he wrote, “but sincere pederastic love is true love”.
Samurai women were still expected to show contempt for death when it came to defending their husbands honour. A wife’s sacrifice of herself, or her honour, for the sake of her husband was a common theme in Japanese drama. Self-renunciation was an imperative for women and remained so even at the end of the 19th century, despite the popularity of western ideas.
Inanzo Nitobe, writing in 1905, devoted one chapter of his book “Bushido: The soul of Japan”
to “The Training and position of women”. This underlines the inferior role accorded to women, telling us that: “In the ascending scale of service stood woman, who annihilated herself for a man, that he might annihilate himself for the master, that he in turn might obey Heaven’.
However, the fighting sprit of the female samurai still managed to show itself on occasion. Their martial prowess was demonstrated during the Satsuma Rebellion of 1877, when the women of Kagoshima fought against the imperial army. In 1868, the fighting between suporters of the shogunate and those supporting the imperial restoration provided another such display.
Samurai of the Aizu clan, supporters of the shogunate, were left to defend their stronghold of wakamatsu Castle without any hope of outside assistance. Heaviley out-numbered by an army of 20,000 men, the 3,000 Aizu samurai mobilized anyone who could use a weapon. A group of 20 women formed a unit that fought on the front line.

One women, Nakano Takeko, was highly skilled in the use of the naginata, and during the fighting she rushed into enemy lines and cut down many men. Eventually she was shot in the chest. To aviod the disgrace of capture, she told her sister Yuko to remove her head and take it home.
A monument to her was erected in the Hokai temple in Aizu Bangemachi, Fukishima province.

Taken from: Japanese weapons

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Cómo acortar la Tsuka del Shinai

Tener la longitud correcta de la Tsuka nos permite mantener la postura correcta cuando golpeamos un objetivo. Para acortarla a nuestra medida basta con seguir este instructivo vídeo. (Yo lo hacía dando giros a la parte superior en lugar de cortar como sugiere este vídeo)

Cómo vestir la Hakama

Cómo colocarse bien el Men

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

Boulevards de Paris (1920s)

Un reportaje histórico del Paris de los locos años 20

Sword spinning

No es ni kendo ni Iaido, No es ni katana ni shinai, pero el movimiento de la espada requiere unas muñecas relajadas.

Don't drop your Shinai! & How to grip it!

This almost never happens in kendo, most people have a good tight grip on their shinai but apparently this wasn't the case.

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016


La calçotada es una fiesta gastronómica típica de la región occidental de Cataluña; originaria de Valls, en la comarca del Alt Camp (Tarragona), en las últimas décadas se ha extendido y puede degustarse en casi cualquier parte de la comunidad durante el final del invierno y comienzos de la primavera; los calçots, una variedad de cebolletas especialmente cultivada para este propósito, se asan directamente sobre llamas de sarmientos y se comen con la mano, aderezados con una salsa especial, la salvitxada, similar a la romesco. Mientras tanto, las brasas se aprovechan para asar carnes o embutidos para el segundo plato.
Cocidos en su punto, la capa exterior de los calçots se carboniza, dejando el interior tierno y cremoso. Tradicionalmente se llevan a la mesa sobre papel de diario aunque fuera de las zonas tradicionales se ha adaptado, a modo de plato en una teja de barro, que ayudan a conservarlos calientes.
El procedimiento de ingesta — arrancando la capa carbonizada con las manos — hace inevitable mancharse, por lo que en las zonas metropolitanas de Barcelona es tradicional ponerse un enorme babero que llega del cuello hasta las rodillas.
Las fechas típicas para degustar esta especie de cebolla dulce es durante los meses de invierno y primavera.
Fuente wikipedia
Es costumbre acompañarlos con los vinos o cava (Nosotros con Dominicus un priorat excelente).

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016

Fin de semana de reparación de Shinai

Tras una semana en aceite secado del mismo y limpieza de las astillas aún presentes

Ensamblaje de las láminas

Montar la tsuka

Fijar el Naka-yui y...
listos para entrenar!!!!



Una página de utilidades: desde bancos a periódicos, desde deportes a transportes,...todo en una solo página. Todo en una sola Página

Los huevos más famosos

El vuelo del moscardón

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

20 Visiones de Europa

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

Hatsumi Bujinkan

Hatsumi Bujinkan.. last living ninja to go through the traditional right of passage as a ninja.. if interested look it up.. its fascinating stuff.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016


En general, es mejor evitar elegir oficios creativos. Si no es posible, entonces la cuestión es otra. Resulta que  no tienes otra salida. Significa que no has sido tú quien a elegido el oficio, sino al contrario...
—Serguei Dovlàtov, escritor ruso (1941-1990)

PS: Con el Kendo pasa lo mismo, no eres tú quien eliges, el kendo te elige a ti.

Para moteros Harley (Un poco machistas)

第三回 横浜七段戦 小関 太郎 KOSEKI (東京) & 古澤 庸臣 FURUSAWA (熊本)

第三回 横浜七段戦 竹中 健太郎 TAKENAKA (鹿兒島) & 佐藤 博光 H.SATO (大阪)

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016

Enciclopedia del té (en portugués)

Una nueva adquisición del bibliotecario para el disfrute de los lectores del blog.
Accesible en la Biblioteca para Kendolechones dilectos o clicando directamente aquí  Enciclopedia del té

Midway o el mal hacer humano en el entorno

FORBIDDEN BEHAVIORS in Kawaii Lolita Fashion by Japanese model Misako Aoki|

How to Use Chopsticks Correctly and How not!

Kendo. The way


Más humor en el blog de la fura que riu

Una de terror

En la consulta del dentista...glups....

Para contentar moteros, con tres basta por hoy

Más para los moteros (y 2)