lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Kukishinden Ryu Hanbojutsu in Yoroi.

Art of the 3 foot staff ( sanshaku bo ) in armour. Techniques developed after ones weapon ( spear/halberd ) was broken on the battlefield.

domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Bruce Lee .VS. Dan Inosanto in 'Game of Death' Original Movie 1972

''...this bamboo is longer, more flexible and very much alive... Broken rhythm...''
''Be self-aware rather than a repetitious robot'' – 'How do you like that? .VS. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT?' – ''Be Alive & Alert'' explained in his other words – ''Be always on your toes and ready to hit at the right moment''.
Game Of Death was almost completed in 1972 when Warner Brothers suddenly contacted Bruce Lee, they wanted to make Enter The Dragon. And so Bruce decided to put Game Of Death one ice, until Enter The Dragon was finished. Unfortunately Bruce died right after Enter The Dragon was finished, he never finished Game Of Death. This original footage, video & audio was lost for a very very long time. It was found a long time ago, but was never released or restored. until 2000 when they released the footage on DVD. I have now restored the audio and video as best possible

From fart to immortality

A Stinky Compound May Protect Against Cell Damage, Study Finds

Scientists from the University of Exeter say that the compound found in the smell of rotten eggs and human flatulence might some day be useful in mitigating the cell damage responsible in part for certain diseases.
The study, published in a recent issue of the journal Medical Chemistry Communications examined the impact of hydrogen sulfide gas—which humans produce in small amounts during digestion—on cells' mitochondria. Although the gas is noxious in large doses, scientists found that cellular exposure to smaller amounts of the compound may prevent mitochondrial damage. This could have future implications in the prevention of strokes, arthritis, heart disease, among other things, the researchers say.
When disease stresses the body’s cells, the cells draw in enzymes to generate “minute quantities of hydrogen sulfide” that protects mitochondria, the scientists says. Mitochondria essentially act as generators for cells' energy output, and protecting against mitochondrial damage is central to preventing certain diseases. " We have exploited this natural process by making a compound, called AP39, which slowly delivers very small amounts of this gas specifically to the mitochondria,” University of Exeter Professor Matt Whitman said in a statement. "Our results indicate that if stressed cells are treated with AP39, mitochondria are protected and cells stay alive.”
While this experiment was limited to cell exposure in a lab—as opposed to humans inhaling the scent of rotten eggs- the University of Exeter researchers say  that they are "working toward advancing the research to a stage where it can be tested in humans.”
Dr. Mark Wood, another one of the Exeter researchers, went so far as to call the compound a "healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of diseases” in a university press release.This research is interesting but preliminary. While no conclusions can be made at this time, may this news let you wince just a little bit less the next time you’re assaulted by a rotten-egg smell.

Oler ventosidades previene el cáncer y el ataque al corazón, según un 'curioso' estudio

Las flatulencias tienen componentes que en pequeñas dosis pueden ser beneficiosos para el ser humano. Si tienes un amigo al que le gusta compartir contigo sus flatulencias ya tiene un motivo no solo para seguir haciéndolo, sino para poder llegar a estar orgulloso de ello.

La Universidad de Exeter ha conseguido ser noticia en todo el mundo gracias a uno de sus descubrimientos, un estudio que concluye que puede ser beneficioso oler esos nobles gases, que no gases nobles, que se escapan por el lugar donde la espalda pierde su nombre.
Este experimento demuestra que los pedos poseen determinados componentes, como el sulfuro de hidrógeno, que pueden resultar beneficiosos a la hora de evitar un daño mitocondrial y prevenir riesgos de cáncer o ataques al corazón. Pero es conveniente no ser avaricioso, pues solo causa beneficios en pequeñas dosis.
No cabe duda de que este estudio ya se ha posicionado como claro favorito de cara al prestigioso premio IG Nobel (no confundir con el aburrido y poco relevante Premio Nobel), este galardón homenajea desde 1991 a los más bizarros descubrimientos científicos.
En los más de 20 años que lleva celebrándose esta gala que aglutina la mayoría de disciplinas científicas se han galardonado diferentes estudios que seguramente no dejen indiferente a nadie.

Some words

Ippon (n.): The act of successfully scoring a waza in kendo. The act of striking with ki-ken-tai-no-itchi.

Ki-ken-tai-no-itchi (n.):  term which expresses an important element in moving for offense and defenseit is mainly used in teaching striking movesKi is spiritken refers to the handling of theshinai, and tai refers to the body movements and postureWhen there three elements harmonize and function together with the correct timingthey create the conditions for a valid strike.

Yuko-datotsu (n.): Making a valid strike. A valid strike which is considered ipponAccording to the rules, a waza is complete when the following conditions are metshowing a fullness of spiritand appropriate posturestriking a datotsu-bui (striking zone) of the opponent with the striking region of one’s own shinai while using correct ha-suji, and expressing zan-shin.
If the necessary conditions are metippon is also given in the following cases: when ones strikes the opponent as soon as the opponent drops his/her shinaisteps out of courtor falls down, and when one strikes the opponent just as the signal for the end of match is given.

Ippon is not given in the following cases: when both players simultaneously make valid strikes and when one player makes a valid strike but the opponent shows full spirit and proper posture and the tip of his/her shinai is on the front of the chest of the striking player.

Japanese police arrest 74-year-old ninja thief suspect

Japanese police say they have finally caught a prolific thief who dressed as a ninja to carry out raids - and were surprised to find he was 74.
After his usually covered face was caught on a security camera this year, he was put under surveillance which led to his arrest in July. Police now believe he is the so-called "Ninja of Heisei", thought to have carried out more than 250 break-ins. He has been charged with thefts worth 30m yen ($260,000; £200,000).
Police had been baffled by a series of burglaries over eight years carried out by a suspect wearing black, assuming they had been carried out by someone younger. Investigators observed the suspect, whom they say seemed little different from most elderly men, during the day.  But they say he then went into an abandoned building and changed clothes before waiting until it got dark to steal.
"He was dressed all in black just like a ninja," a senior official in the western Japanese city of Osaka said. Police said the thief displayed great physical ability, running effortlessly on top of walls instead of taking the streets.
After his arrest, the man was quoted as saying: "If I were younger, I wouldn't have been caught. I'll quit now as I'm 74 and old enough."

domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

El muerto que no lo era y el vivo que casi lo fue

Un Cura ingresado tras despertar el muerto del funeral que oficiaba

El párroco de una pequeña parroquia de Santiago de Compostela tuvo que ser trasladado al hospital la tarde de ayer tras haber sufrido un ataque de pánico mientras oficiaba un funeral.
Al parecer, según cuentan los testigos que asistieron al funeral,  a mitad de la solemne ceremonia y mientras el párroco se encontraba junto al féretro el supuesto fallecido abrió sus ojos, levantó la cabeza y preguntó “¿Dónde estoy?”. Esto provocó los aplausos de los allí asistentes por la alegría de ver que el fallecido no era tal, pero el cura cayó en redondo al suelo por lo que llamaron al 112 que envió una ambulancia rápidamente a la parroquia para atenderle.
Finalmente todo quedó en un susto, no fue más que un ataque de pánico sufrido por el extraño suceso por lo que el cura evoluciona favorablemente en el hospital donde ya ha sido visitado por varios de sus feligreses entre los que se encontraba el supuesto fallecido.


miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

Scientists Have Identified a Genetic Mutation That May be Responsible for the Vampire Folklore

In a study recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, investigators discovered a novel genetic mutation that triggers a blood disorder that has some ghoulish symptoms!
There is a group of eight known blood disorders called Porphyrias, that affects the bodies ability to create heme. Heme is a component in hemoglobin that binds with iron to give blood it’s red color. One blood disorder called erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) occurs during childhood and can cause some serious symptoms that are similar to the vampire myths. EPP can cause extreme light sensitivity, where a patient can develop painful blisters if exposed to sunlight for an extended time. EPP patients are also chronically anemic, which leads to a pale looking complexion and the light sensitivity. People with EPP also require frequent blood transfusions to increase their heme levels to reduce some of the disorder’s symptoms. Scientists have recently discovered a genetic mutation that triggers EPP and also have helped identify a possible therapy target. In normal production of heme, the body goes through a process called porphyrin synthesis that occurs in the liver in bone marrow. In EPP, this porphyrin process is disrupted leading to a decrease in heme production and a buildup of protophyrin components. Investigators identified a protoporphyrin component called protoporphyrin IX accumulates in the red blood cells, plasma, and liver of EPP patients. By doing gene sequencing, researchers were able to discover a mutation in the CPLX gene. This gene was identified as regulator in heme metabolism and is now the genetic signature of EPP. Scientists hope that identifying different genetic mutations in Porphyrias can lead to new therapies that could help correct some of the mutations responsible for these disorders
For more accurate data follow the link:
 2017 Sep 19;114(38):E8045-E8052. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1700632114. Epub 2017 Sep 5.

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

Fin de semana de reparación de Shinais

  Desmontaje de los shinais y selección de varillas a eliminar.

 Selección del material

 Lijado de varillas

 Hidratante fino...Óleo de cedro!

 Montaje de nuevo y...

 Listo para cuatro keikos o shiais mas!

sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017

Luna equilibrista

El Masnou yendo al trabajo
06/10/2017 07:18
iPhone 7
Photo by CCB

Reflexiones intemporales y en cualquier lugar

Photo by CCB
Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal)
29/09/2017 ; 14:54

El tiempo en China

 Noche de neón

Photos by PVD

Por la ruta de Marco Polo.

Una amiga ha pasado unos días en China y ha compartido conmigo algunas imágenes.

Como podéis apreciar capta la vida en las fotografías.
Photos by PVD

lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017

El Lechón viajero en Oporto




Photos by CCB
iPhone 7