lunes, 25 de febrero de 2019

2019 SBS 검도왕대회(SBS KUMDO) 일반부 8강 광명시청 박인범 VS 부천시청 임윤성

Akira Kurosawa-Dreams-Vincent Van Gogh

Akira Kurosawa's dreams. (1990) Vincent Van Gogh (part) Music.Prelude No.15 in D-flat major-F.Chopi

The tribe of Toulambis comes for the first time in contact with whites

1976, the Team Explorer Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux came for the first time in contact with the primitive tribe of Toulambis (Papua, New Guinea), whose members hadn't ever come in contact with the outside world and neither had seen man with white skin. The camera captured the fearful and full of curiosity their reaction.

sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019


En el tren camino del trabajo un punto cualquiera entre El Masnou y Montgat
07/02/2019; 07:40
iPhone 7 Plus
Phot by CCB

Humor con fundamento

Training in Gignec (France)

El fin de semana del 9-10 de febrero en Gignac, una villa encantadora cerca de Montpellier, preparando el San Dan de Iaido con JJ Sauvage. Animados hasta el final!

Back to the future

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

Pecados y faltas

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2019


Primero un poco de historia que la culturilla siempre va bien y si haces esta explicación frente a tus comensales ya te los has ganado

El carpaccio lo inventó Giuseppe Cipriani en 1950 en el Harry 's Bar de Venecia, junto a la plaza San Marcos. Un buen día la condesa Amalia Nani di Moncenigo entró en el bar y le pidió si tenía algún plato de carne cruda. Cipriani en supo preparar uno, a toda prisa, cortando una fina lámina de carne de buey que aderezó con mayonesa y mostaza. Y como se llama, este plato ?, preguntó la condesa. Cipriani, evocando una exposición que se hacía entonces sobre Vittore Carpaccio, bautizó el plato improvisadamente con el nombre del pintor veneciano: carpaccio de buey. Fue un homenaje a los colores rojo y amarillo de sus pinturas.

La historia se cuenta en la obra de David Paloma "Personajes convertidos en palabras" (Barcelona: Barcanova, 2015)

Como hacerlo fácil?

Solomillo de buey o ternera (otra carne roja también puede servir, incluso atún)


Limpia bien la carne de grasa y nervios. Una vez la tengas a punto la envuelves en film de cocina y al congelador para que se endurezca ( Ojo hay q evitar q se congele del todo pues si no va a ser mucho más difícil de cortar)
A seguir con una sierra de cocina se corta a finas lonchas (si eres un samurai o un jamonero igual con un cuchillo bien afilado lo resuelves). Una vez tienes las lonchas puedes majarlas con cuidado y así te quedan más aplanadas.
Zumo de limón  y aceite de Oliva (proporción de 4 partes de limón por 3 de aceite)
Sal y pimienta al gusto

Al servirlo se distribuyen las lonchas de carne sobre el plato y se pueden añadir lascas de parmesano sobre el carpaccio (a los q les gusta el verde la rúcula o las alcaparras combinan bien con la carne cruda). Finalmente se vierte la salsa sobre todo el plato y se puede añadir pimienta negra al gusto.


His life reads like a movie, only you may not have heard of him because the movie has yet to be made. Born to a father who was a Chinese pirate and a Japanese mother from a Samurai family, Koxinga was a Ming Dynasty warrior who fought fiercely against the Ching and the Dutch. Though defending China, one European remarked that Koxinga seemed more bound to the Japanese warrior ideals his mother would have raised him with. Eventually plunging into crippling delirium and insanity, his battles nonetheless inspired notable art, such as the woodblock print pictured here. A Japanese art piece depicting a Chinese martial hero, the artist renders Koxinga in such a way that, while artistically dynamic, is not without martial realism. Koxinga cuts with one sword while chambering a blow with the other (or potentially: keeping the chambered sword close to protect his body). Elements of the posture from the position of the hands to the feet can be found in our own two sword method we practice (juxtaposed pictures for our Archive).
Taken from the Ravenswood academy.

Sword Juggler In Shanghai Around 1907-1914

Perhaps a drunken master in the background? 😀

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2019

Entretenir sa saya

sábado, 16 de febrero de 2019

Portuguese vintage films

A Severa (1930)
 Maria do Mar (1930)
 A Canção da Terra (1938)
 João Ratão (1940)
 Fátima Terra de Fé (1943)
 A Menina da Rádio (1944)
 José do Telhado (1945)
 Camões (1946)
 Agora é que são elas (1954)
 O Costa d' África (1954)
 A Costureirinha da Sé (1959)

 O Miúdo da Bica (1963)

 Os Fidalgos da Casa Mourisca (1963)
 A Canção da Saudade (1964)

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2019

How was long time ago...

Invierno en Ocata

Playa de Ocata
2019-02-04 15.38.23
iPhone Xs
Photo by CCB

Testimony of the Master Moriji Mochida (Kendo Hanshi 10th Dan)

The importance of the words

Tsuki vs Tsupetón

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019

Fauna Masnovina

Paseando cerca del jardín de casa. Cualquier día nos encontramos con un pterodáctilo...

El Masnou
Photo by CCB
iPhone 7
26/01/2019 13:01

Gostoso de mais...

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2019

Guia rápida

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2019

Dakuwaqa's Garden. The Ocean as you have never seen it

Underwater footage shot whilst scuba diving in the Fiji islands and Tonga. Featuring colorful coral reefs, huge schools of tropical fish, sharks, humpback whales, underwater caves, scuba divers and much more marine life from the south Pacific. The coral reefs of the south Pacific are alive with a huge variety of tropical fish and marine critters. A great way to explore them is to scuba dive with the Nai'a liveaboard based in Fiji. 

The music is "In the Meadows" by Stephen Richard Thomas Brown, under a Creative Common license

Here is the full shot list of species and dive sites. You can find more complete information at :

0:04- Bligh Water, Fiji 0:06- Reticulated Dascyllus at "Maytag" 0:09- "Mushrooms", Namena Marine Reserve 0:11- "Coral Corner" 0:13- "Maytag" 0:15- "Coral Corner" 0:17- "Mellow Yellow" 0:20- "E6" 0:22- Chironephthya corals at "Mount Mutiny"0:24- Cave at "Lion's Den" near Wakaya Island 0:28- Chironephthya corals at "The Whole Shebang" 0:31- "The Whole Shebang" 0:33- "Mellow Yellow" 0:35- "E6" 0:37- "Kansas" at North Save-a-Tack 0:39- Lyretail anthias at "Howard's Diner"0:43- "Maytag" 0:45- Banded sea krait at "Jim's Alley" near Gau Island 0:52- Pacific sailfin tang 0:54- Button polyps at "Humann Nature" 0:56- Urn ascidians at "Becky's" near Makogai Island 0:59- Pom pom Xenia 1:03- Barberi clownfish 1:05- Barberi clownfish at "Cat's Meow" 1:07- Barberi clownfish 1:11- Pink anemonefish 1:13- Blueband gobies 1:16- Firefish at Lua Lafalafa Reef, Tonga 1:18- Orbicular batfish 1:20- Teira batfish over the "Nasi Yalodina" wreck 1:22- Elongate surgeonfish 1:24- Blackfin barracuda 1:27- Bigeye trevallies at "Grand Central Station" 1:29- Schooling bannerfish at "School House" 1:31- Pacific double-saddle butterflyfish 1:33- Blue and gold fusiliers over yellow scroll coral at Nigali Passage 1:35- Barcheek trevally at "Tetons" 1:37- Golden damsel & bluestreak cleaner wrasse 1:40- Blue and gold fusilier and bluestreak cleaner wrasse 1:42- Sunburst anthias at "Palako's Patch"1:44- Ocellate damselfish defecating at Uoleva Point 1:46- Arc-eye hawkfish at "Anthias Avenue"1:38- Longsnout flathead at Luangahu Reef 1:51- Ribbon eel at "Tetons" 1:53- Giant moray 1:55- Juvenile rockmover wrasse at "Two Thumbs Up" 1:57- Firefish 2:00- Red lionfish 2:02- Whitetip reef shark under "Kansas" 2:04- Grey reef shark 2:10- Sinularia corals 2:12- Blue-spotted puffer 2:15- Blackspotted puffer at Ha'afeva Island, Tonga 2:17- Blue-green Chromis 2:21- Red lionfish 2:23- Zebra lionfish at Luangahu Reef 2:28- Coral grouper at "Becky's" 2:30- Dwarf hawkfish 2:32- Scorpionfish 2:34- Randall's prawn-goby 2:36- Signalfin goby 2:39- Gorgeous prawn goby & snapping shrimp 2:41- Weedy pygmy seahorse 2:43- Ornate ghost pipefish 2:47- Ornate ghost pipefish eggs in brooding pouch 2:50- Christmas tree worm 2:53- Manta ray at Vatu Vai 2:58- Hawksbill turtle 3:03- Humpback whale mother and calf at Ha'apai, Tonga 3:10- Malabar grouper 3:15- Honeycomb coral 3:19- "Lion's Den" 3:21- "Mushrooms" 3:23- "Coral Corner" 3:25- "Mushrooms" 3:28- Whitemargin unicornfish 3:30- Dendronephthya soft coral 3:32- Bigeye barracuda 3:35- "Gomo" 3:39- "Nasi Yalodina" wreck 3:41- "E6" 3:43- Lance blenny 3:45- Triplespot blenny 3:48- Valentini puffer 3:50- Parrotfish at Nukupule 3:52- Bluespotted ribbontail ray 3:54- Blotched fantail ray at Ha'afeva Island 3:56- Orange mantis shrimp 3:59- Sexy shrimp 4:01- Day octopus 4:04- Fuchsia flatworms mating 4:07- Bullock's Hypselodoris 4:09- Spanish dancer 4:14- Spanish dancer at Ha'afeva Island 4:18- Brown booby at Vatu-i-ra Dakuwaqa is a shark-god from Fijian mythology