September 11, 2008
Everyone who follows the path of the way of the sword faces the four poisons of fear, doubt, surprise and confusion. All of the poisons are the products of the false mind, the realm of the ego. Because the poisons are products of the false mind they will always be present the only way to rid yourself temporarily of the poisons is with awareness. Realize that the fear and the doubt exist only in your false mind, dismiss your ego as a product of the false mind so that you can see your opponent with your minds eye and will not be surprised or confused. Telling your self that you are stronger, better, faster than your opponent is also a product of the false mind. It is important in kendo training to pay special attention to these poisons and to be aware that they are from the false mind.
Un cerdo pintor , claro...
Hace 7 años
Now I'm in this way. The doubt is my actual enemy. I doubt if is interesting to be continued make Kendo. :(
ResponderEliminarYou need to take a beer with me and afterward sure you'll come back to the path of the sword