Inner thoughts are covered in the book "Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing" 內功心法 藏於 鳳舞祥雲 書中 本功法根據道家自古歷代相傳奧理,以運先天之真氣為功法基礎,采元陽以補後天之陰損,氣通奇經八脈,調和十二經氣,平衡五臟六腑機能,提升免疫,抗病功能,易筋壯骨,寧定心神,排濁納新,養顏回春。 Phoenix qigong imitates the rotation of the earth. Through circular motions, the hands act as a guidance enhancing the internal flow of energy that comes with life. Internal energy is like blood. It is there in everybody by birth. Positive energy is gathered and built up to flow in order to clear blockages and strengthen the functioning of the internal organs, and make up the losses caused by wear and tear of everyday life. Exercising through tai chi like motions, energy is directed through the governing channels in the human body to balance the strength of internal organs, like ocean currents flowing through invisible channels across the oceans to regulate global climate. The improved organ functions improve immunity, resist illness, revitalize rejuvenation. The special methods relieve pain, ease stress and calm the mind. The practice is simple and easy to learn with precise indications for building up a strong foundation. While the learning is easy, the benefits of this practice last a life time. Joe Lok. Founder of Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Qigong. 簡單易學,注解精微,一朝學就,永久受用。 道理深奧,包羅萬象,配合心法,融會貫通。 單式練習,可發揮針對療效, 十六式結合為一套路,成全面維護健康之功法。 每日片刻之功,延年益壽之德。 There are single forms for designated healing benefit. Sixteen single forms contribute a set to be practiced for health holistically. 駱偉民 鳳舞祥雲 養生氣功
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