miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

Un mapache y un ruso van de fiesta y...

Una demostración de como la autodefensa constituye una función vital básica. Os copio el texto íntegro en inglés a continuación de la noticia por que no tiene desperdicio. La noticia salió hace casi un año en The Sun parece extraño que no haya llegado a nuestros periódicos. Será que la cosa está muy mal y no están los tiempos para tirar nada!
Self-defense tactics being taught across the country today have evolved from what is considered a once rudimentary of self preservation. In Russia, one man found himself missing a member after he tried to rape a raccoon.
Although the evolution of the Martial Arts and Self-Defense in general will leave some historians arguing over dates and countries, there is no conflict over the fact that the original forms of combat and defense are actually older than man.
Primates were said to use actual tools to beat the brush in an attempt to frighten predators away or even throw rocks and dirt into the faces of another male while fighting over a mate. The dirt throwing tactic is still taught as a tool in some classes today. However, despite the showing of primal intelligence, animals have long used instinct as a tool, which is also taught as part of self-defense and awareness.
After attempting to rape a raccoon, 44-year-old Alexander Kirilov found himself on a surgeons table, where Moscow surgeons were apparently unable to return the "dink" to its original condition. As explained in The Sun:
“He’s been told they can get things working again but they can’t sew back on what the raccoon bit off," said a pal.
Mr. Kirilov told surgeons he "saw the raccoon" and simply thought he'd have a bit of fun.
It isn't understood if Kirilov's desire was out of desperation or if he was just being adventuresome. However, at 44, maybe this guy's definition of "fun" needs to find a new dictionary. I wonder if his excuse in court will be that she shouldn't have been wearing her fur so short?

2 comentarios:

  1. Se conoce que ha roto con su novia. En unas declaraciones a Pravda la ex-pareja afirmó que Alexander sólo mantenía relaciones con ella si estaba completamente rasurada y ahora la chica esta muy dolida porque su ex-novio no puso reparos a una bola de pelo!
