miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Fart battle

He-Gassen (Japanese: 屁合戦, literally: "Fart competitions"), or Houhi-Gassen (放屁合戦, "Farting competitions"), are titles given to a Japanese art scroll, created during the Edo period (1603–1868) by an unknown artist or several unknown artists.

The scroll depicts various scenes with one peculiar characteristic reoccurring throughout the scroll: at least one character is having a bout of flatulence directed against the other characters.  No, you didn't misunderstand that last sentence. The entire scroll is just about folks farting. Farting at other people, farting at animals,  farting into bags and keeping the fart inside; just farting everywhere.

The scroll was found on Naruhodo, but just now, you can find the rest of the fart scroll, in its entirety, on Waseda University's website.

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